Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day!

President's Day brought lots of different emotions for me! It started out pretty good, I actually showered AND ate breakfast before work this morning... I have to be honest, that hardly ever happens. It's usually one or the other. Then I got to work and realized that because it was President's Day, we had several school-aged kids that joined my class. Which at first I wasn't so thrilled about, but it turned out to be a really great thing! We ended up having a free-play day and I think my preschoolers really enjoyed playing with the big kids.

Because they did such a good job playing today, I had time to organize and clean in my room. This morning turned out to be very productive and I completely redid the art corner. I should have gotten a picture of the whole corner, but here is a picture of what I am most proud of from today.

Hopefully the kids keep it organized!! I found this idea on Pinterest and loved it.

My afternoon project is still in the works. I began organizing all of our puzzles and games that had been thrown into a large box and left for a few months. The pieces are all mixed together and half of them are lost, so I am in the process of figuring out what goes where and what complete games and puzzles we still have. I stayed late to work on it, but had to get home for Fia's bedtime, so the plan is to go in early tomorrow and try to finish it before the kids are ready for the day. I'm sure tomorrow will be at least a 2-cup coffee day!

So today I am grateful for the time and ability to work on my classroom. These kids deserve the best, and sometimes I feel like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off just to get through the day, so I always appreciate time to work on the "extra" stuff.

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