Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Looong day...

Yesterday I talked a little about the big mess I had left in my classroom after staying late at work trying to organize all the games and puzzles... boy was I mistaken!! That was nothing compared to today! So I went into work about an hour early this morning and almost all morning I worked on my piles of games and puzzles. The room was actually beginning to look somewhat back to normal (other than the fact that we still couldn't use our main two tables). Then we left the room for lunch. When we got back, there were two men in there from the church who were planning to build a large cabinet for my room. Which was requested a long time ago, we just never knew when it was going to happen. Well it happened. So I told them to wait until after nap and I would clean out the corner where the cabinet was going to go. Let me just tell you, this is a very large "corner" and it was very full of stuff. So instead of finishing my games project, during nap time my piles grew about 4x as big and when I left my classroom this afternoon you could barely walk in the door.

Now, I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining... because I'm not trying to. I am SUPER excited about this cabinet. It is huge. It has lots of big shelves. And it is organized (for the most part) after a few more hours there this evening. I have a picture to show of just how beautiful it is, but I want to put a disclaimer out there... the label maker was out of tape, so for now masking tape is doing the job, but it will look better when I can put nice labels on everything.

I wanted to show a before and after picture, but I forgot to take a before picture until about half the cabinet was full, and I didn't want to take everything out just for the sake of a picture, so just remember that this was built today and was completely empty. That's what the before would have looked like. :)

As you will notice I did not take a picture of the rest of the room because you can still barely walk in, but there are still three work days left this week, and I guarantee it will be done by then. (Actually it has to be done by tomorrow evening for church, so Amy, if you are reading this, I could use some help tomorrow! :)

Today I am very grateful for my new cabinet. It feels so good to finally know where all my supplies are! I am also grateful for something that happened last night right before bed. In about a month I will be doing special music at church, and I have been wanting to find a song, I just hadn't taken the time to do it yet. So I sat down last night and read over the Scripture for that Sunday and God made it so clear to me which song I need to do - "Grace and Love" by Kutless. I am so excited because it is one of my favorite songs, and I am just praying that I do it justice! I am so thankful for a God who at times speaks so clearly to us! (Sometimes I wish those times came more often, but I'll take whatever!!) If you want to check out a Youtube video of the song, just click here.

Good night all. It is well past my bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. Well, its Wednesday night and I am just now reading it!!! I hope you would have radioed up if you needed me, silly!!!! I am trying HARD to find you an assistant, but refuse to pick just anybody. I want someone with staying power! In the meantime, you know we're here for ya! Love ya girly!
